Mepong Studio Apps

Wedding Invitation Card 1.1
Mepong Studio
An invitation card is a card mailed out toguests when you want to invite friends to a special event such asbirthdays, special wedding anniversaries, graduation, etc.Invitation cards can be bought almost everywhere, however, we stillbelieve that the invitation cards you design yourself can bestexpress your sincere wish to invite your friends.Some invitation cards are much more casual than others. A weddinginvitation, for example, is much more formal than one for a child'sbirthday. Still, the basic information remains the same.
Kebaya Design Bride 1.1
Mepong Studio
For those of you who are looking for DesignBridal Kebaya we present a complete and offline, so you can use itwithout an internet connection. So you can access the applicationanytime, anywhere."Download this app to view reference Designs Bridal Kebaya"
Henna Design Wedding 1.1
Mepong Studio
Henna is the name of the oldest herbs used ascosmetics. Very safe to use. Rarely cause problems. If in doubtbecause it has sensitive skin, it is worth consulting with yourdoctor and try it in small quantities. For example, by applying alittle henna on the back of the neck or under the arms, because theskin in the area belong to the most sensitive areas. Natural hennais usually safe as it contains no synthetic chemical dyes or otherharmful additives.In India, mehndi is one way to beautify themselves apart fromwearing makeup or jewelry. Can be used daily, or play an importantrole in special events such as weddings.Besides India and Pakistan, henna is still used by the women inAfrica, Asia, even America. In some countries, henna is worn on thewedding day, whether it is to decorate your nails, arms and feet ofthe bride. In addition to beautify the appearance, the use of hennais also believed to protect the wearer from a variety of disorders.Call it: Henna belly, painted belly was bulging alias pregnant withhenna leaves is no longer taboo. In addition to preserving thetradition, beautify the stomach has become part of thelifestyle.In Indonesia, more commonly known as Henna Innai or paci orgirlfriend that is natural dye from the leaves of henna plant. Insome traditions and local culture in Indonesia, the use of henna orInnai is part of the ritual before the wedding procession. As inAceh and Padang through the night bainai.How to mix henna in Indonesia and in foreign countries isdifferent. There, henna powder mixed with oil messo, Kayuputihpure, and other essential mix. Traditional in daerah2 in Indonesiaboyfriend freshly plucked leaves finely ground once. White ricemixed. Similarly mixed with charcoal. All diuleni like making acake batter.
Ornamental Plants Bonsai 1.0
Mepong Studio
This application presents a wide rangeofOrnamental Plants Bonsai Assorted sought after by manypeople.Various referansi Ornamental Plants Bonsai we collect fromvarioussources that will make the rooms in your home is getting tobebeautiful and attractive.This application is very easy to use and can be run offline, sothatwhenever and wherever you can see Aneka Ornamental PlantsBonsaiyour choice."For more details please download this application"
Kumpulan Kaligrafi Terindah 1.1
Mepong Studio
Kaligrafi merupakan suatu seni tulisan yangbiasanya merupakan kalimat bahasa arab yang indah. Setiap senikaligrafi yang ditampilkan selalu memiliki unsur-unsur keindahanpada setiap pola dan bentuknya. Gambar kaligrafi selalu membuatseseorang terpesona dengan keindahan dari gambar kaligrafi.Seni kaligrafi sendiri lebih terkenal pada dunia islam. Sebab,kaligrafi biasanya diambil dari penggalan-penggalan dalam kitabsuci Al Quran. Biasanya seni kaligrafi yang masuk ke dalam senirupa islam selalu menjadi hiasan di dinding-dinding rumah ataupunmasjid."Download aplikasi ini untuk melihat Tulisan Kaligrafi yang Andainginkan"Calligraphy is the art ofwriting is usually a beautiful Arabic sentence. Each calligraphydisplayed always has elements of beauty in every pattern and shape.Figure calligraphy always make a person enchanted by the beauty ofthe image of calligraphy.The art of calligraphy itself is more popular in the Islamic world.Because, calligraphy usually taken from fragments of the Koran.Usually the art of calligraphy that goes into the art of Islam hasalways been a decoration on the walls of houses or mosques."Download this app to view the article Calligraphy you want"
Desain Taman Rumah Hijau 1.1
Mepong Studio
Selain sebagai alat untuk mempercantik halamanrumah, taman juga dapat membuat suasana rumah menjadi terasa lebihsegar dan asri sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat relaksasipikiran dan tubuh agar terasa bugar kembali.Area yang sempit serta kontur tanah yang tak beraturan kadangmembuat kita sulit dalam mendesain sebuah taman. Namun dengankreatifitas serta kemauan yang tinggi dapat membuat kita menemukanide-ide yang segar dalam menciptakan taman di lahan yangsempit."Download aplikasi ini untuk melihat Desain Taman Hijau yang cocokuntuk rumah Anda"In addition as a means tobeautify the yard, garden also can make the home atmosphere becamenoticeably more fresh and beautiful so that it can be used as aplace of relaxation of mind and body in order to feel fitagain.Area narrow and irregular contour of the land sometimes makes itdifficult to design a garden. But with creativity and highwillingness can make us find fresh ideas in creating a garden inthe narrow land."Download this app to see Garden Design Green suitable for yourhome"
Ide Kreatif Interior Rumah 1.1
Mepong Studio
Dalam mendesain interior rumah sederhana adabanyak hal yang harus di perhatikan yaitu mulai dari pemilihanwarna cat dinding, pemilihan furniture maupun pengaturan tatacahaya, lalu bagaimana mendesain interior rumah? Untuk membuattampilan interior rumah sederhana anda tampak lebih luas, anda bisamemainkan pola warna cat dinding, pertama gunakanlah warna catdinding yang selaras atau senada dan yang kedua, jika anda inginmemadukan dengan warna yang lain usahakan jangan terlalu memasukkanwarna sehingga akan menambah kesan yang sumpek dan sempit, kesanelegan bisa kita lihat dari segi pemilihan furniture, anda bisamemilih jenis furniture yang multi fungsional namun tetap memilikisifat dekoratif sehingga tetap memberi kesan yang cantik.Pengaturan tata ruang cahaya juga harus di atur dengan benarsehingga dapat menyinari setiap sudut, untuk siang hari anda bisamemanfaatkan pencahayaan dari sinar matahari, usahakan sinarmatahari itu masuk kedalam rumah karena sinar matahari mempumembunuh bakteri dalam rumah sedangkan untuk malam hari anda bisamenggunakan lampu sebgai sumber penerangan, dan yang terakhiradalah menghindari terlalu banyak hiasan dinding hal ini justruakan memberi kesan yang sempit."Download aplikasi ini untuk melihat desain interior rumah yangAnda inginkan"In designing the interiorof the house is simple there are many things that need to benoticed starting from wall paint color selection, selection offurniture and lighting settings, and how to design the interior ofthe house? To create the look of the interior of the house issimple you seem more spacious, you can play a pattern of wall paintcolor, first use wall paint colors that match or matching and thesecond, if you want to combine with other colors try not too enterthe color that will add to the impression that cramped and narrow,elegant impression can be seen in terms of the selection offurniture, you can choose the type of furniture that is multifunctional but still have a decorative nature that still gives theimpression that pretty.The spatial arrangement of the light also must be set correctly sothat it illuminates every corner, to the day you can take advantageof the lighting of the sun, keep the sunlight that entered into thehouse from the sun mempu kill bacteria inside the house while theevenings you can use the lights sebgai source of light, and thelast is to avoid too many wall hangings this will only give theimpression that narrow."Download this app to view the interior design of the home youwant"
Beautiful House Design 1.0
Mepong Studio
A house is a building that functions as ahome,ranging from simple dwellings such as rudimentary huts ofnomadictribes and the improvised shacks in shantytowns to complex,fixedstructures of wood, brick, concrete or other materialscontainingplumbing, ventilation and electrical systems. Houses usea range ofdifferent roofing systems to keep precipitation such asrain fromgetting into the dwelling space. Houses may have doors orlocks tosecure the dwelling space and protect its inhabitants andcontentsfrom burglars or other trespassers. Most conventionalmodern housesin Western cultures will contain one or more bedroomsand bathrooms,a kitchen or cooking area, and a living room. Ahouse may have aseparate dining room, or the eating area may beintegrated intoanother room. Some large houses in North Americahave a recreationroom. In traditional agriculture-orientedsocieties, domesticanimals such as chickens or larger livestock(like cattle) may sharepart of the house with humans. The socialunit that lives in a houseis known as a household.Interior design is the art and science of enhancing theinteriors,sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building,toachieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environmentforthe end user. An interior designer is someone whoplans,researches, coordinates, and manages such projects. Interiordesignis a multifaceted profession that includes conceptualdevelopment,space planning, site inspections, programming,research,communicating with the stakeholders of a project,constructionmanagement, and execution of the design."To see the Beautiful Home Design please downloadthisapplication"
Living Room Design 1.1
Mepong Studio
In Western architecture, a living room, alsocalled a lounge room, lounge or sitting room, is a room in aresidential house or apartment for relaxing and socializing. Such aroom is sometimes called a front room when it is near the mainentrance at the front of the house. In large formal homes, asitting room is often a small private living area adjacent to abedroom, such as the Queen's Sitting Room and the Lincoln SittingRoom of the White House. The term living room was coined in thelate 19th or early 20th century.A typical Western living room may contain furnishings such as asofa, chairs, occasional tables, coffee tables, bookshelves,electric lamps, rugs, or other furniture. Traditionally, a sittingroom in the United Kingdom and New Zealand has a fireplace, datingfrom when this was necessary for heating. In a Japanese sittingroom, called a washitsu, the floor is covered with tatami,sectioned mats, on which people can sit comfortably."Download this App to see Living Room Design you like"
Desain Taman Minimalis 1.1
Mepong Studio
Memiliki rumah idaman menjadi impian semuaorang. Saat ini, bagi sebagian orang rumah idaman bukan hanyamencakup sebuah rumah yang besar, tapi juga rumah yang asri lengkapdengan sebuah taman kecil di halaman rumah. Hal ini sangat wajardan sangat bisa dimengerti, mengingat orang-orang yang tinggal dikota-kota besar seperti Jakarta pasti merasa sumpek denganrutinitas sehari-hari. Ditambah lagi dengan polusi udara dankeberadaan taman yang sangat langka ditemukan di kota besar. Jadimerupakan hal yang menguntungkan jika seseorang yang tinggal dikotabesar memiliki rumah lengkap dengan taman kecil di halaman rumah,selain bisa menghilangkan stres akibat kegiatan sehari-hari,memiliki taman dirumah juga akan membuat suasana rumah menjadilebih sejuk, dan nyaman.Saat ini, orang-orang yang memiliki taman rumah, biasanyamenggunakan jasa tukang kebun untuk merawat taman kecilnya. Tapibagi anda yang memiliki taman kecil dirumah anda, sebenarnya halitu tidak diperlukan. Karena, tanpa tukang kebun pun, anda jugapasti bisa kok merawat dan menata taman mungil anda sendiri. Saatini banyak info tentang perkebunan atau seputar tanaman bisaditemukan di internet, anda bisa dengan mudah. Nah bagi anda yangingin merawat taman depan rumah anda, seperti yang dilansir, berikut ini beberapa tips yang bisa terapkan untukmerawat tanaman di taman depan rumah anda agar tetap terlihatcantik dan terjaga keasriannya."Tunggu apalagi,. Download aplikasi ini untuk melihat Desain TamanMinimalis yang Anda suka"Having a dream home intoa dream of all people. Currently, for most people dream home notonly includes a large house, but also a beautiful home completewith a small garden in the yard. It is very reasonable and veryunderstandable, considering the people who live in big cities likeJakarta would feel cramped with the daily routine. Coupled with airpollution and the existence of the park a very rare find in a bigcity. So it is beneficial if a person who lived a large city has afull house with a small garden in the yard, but can eliminate thestress of daily activities, have a garden at home will also makethe home atmosphere became more airy, and comfortable.Currently, people who have a home garden, usually using theservices of a gardener to take care of his garden. But for those ofyou who have a small garden in your home, in fact it is not needed.Because, without any gardener, you certainly can really care forand organize your own small garden. Nowadays a lot of info aboutthe surrounding plantations or crops can be found on the internet,you can easily. Well for those of you who want to take care of yourfront garden, as reported by, here are some tips youcan employ to care for plants in the front garden of your house tokeep it looking beautiful and awake d beauty."Waiting ,. Download this app to see Garden Design Minimalist youlike"
Pintu Rumah Minimalis 1.1
Mepong Studio
Model Rumah minimalis pasti saja saat inisudah tidak asing lagi bagi semua kalangan orang. Pemilihan jenisdan model minimalis ini sebenarnya sangat menarik mengingat untuksaat ini masyarakat sangat perlu rumah. Berbicara mengenai tempattinggal pasti saja tidak lepas dari peran sebuah pintu.Model Pintu Utama yang satu ini saat ini sedang trend dimasyarakat. Kesan dari pintu kaca didalam rumah akan menampilkankesan lebih menarik dan simple. Ada kelebihan dari pintu kaca iniyakni pada siang hari Anda tidak harus lagi menambahakan cahayalampu untuk menerangi bagian didalam ruangan. Model Pintu Utamakaca dapat menunjang Anda untuk berhemat energi.Adapun pintu Model Pintu Utama jenis kayu ini telah banyakdigunakan untuk beragam jenis rumah. Kesan yang didapatkan padapintu kayu adalah kokoh dan megah. Anda dapat memberi tambahan catalami pada pintu tersebut supaya kesannya akan lebih kuat. Andajuga dapat memesan pintu kayu dengan beragam motif ukiran yang akansemakin mempercantik penampilannya."Download aplikasi ini untuk melihat pintu rumah yang Andainginkan"Model House minimalistcertainly at this time is not foreign to all the people. Selectionof the type and minimalist model is actually very interestingconsidering for the moment very necessary community home. Speakingabout the only place to stay definitely not be separated from therole of a door.Main Door models this one is currently a trend in society. Theimpression of a glass door in the house will show the impression ofa more attractive and simple. There are advantages of this glassdoors that during the day you do not have to again adding light toilluminate the inside of the room. Model Main Door glass cansupport you to save energy.The door Model Main Gate this species has been widely used fordifferent types of homes. The impression one gets on a wooden dooris sturdy and majestic. You can provide additional natural paint onthe door so that it felt would be stronger. You can also order avariety of wooden doors with carved motifs which will furtherenhance performance."Download this app to see the door you want"
DIY Flower Flanel 1.1
Mepong Studio
This application presents DIY FlowerFlanelbased offline, so you can use it without an internetconnection. Soyou can access the application anytime andanywhere."For more details, please download this application"
Desain Rak Dinding Minimalis 1.1
Mepong Studio
Aplikasi ini menyajikan berbagai DesainRakDinding Minimalis yang dicari oleh banyak orang. Desain RakDindingMinimalis ini kami kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang akanmembuatruangan-ruangan rumah yang Anda inginkan menjadi lebih indahdanmenarik.Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan serta dapat diaksessecaraoffline, sehingga kapanpun dan dimanapun Anda dapatmelihat"Untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan download aplikasi ini"This applicationpresentsvarious Wall Shelf Design Minimalism sought after by manypeople.Wall Shelf Design Minimalist we collect from various sourcesthatwill make the rooms of the house you want to be more beautifulandattractive.This application is very easy to use and can be accessed offline,sothat whenever and wherever you can see"For more details please download this application"
Desain Denah Apartemen 3d 1.0
Mepong Studio
Aplikasi ini menyajikan berbagai macamdesainapartemen impian yang dicari oleh banyak orang. Desainapartemen 3dini kami kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang akanmembuat apartemenmaupun ruangan-ruangan yang Anda inginkan menjadilebih indah danmenarik.Aplikasi dapat dijalankan secara offline, sehingga kapanpundandimanapun Anda dapat melihat desain denah apartemen 3dimpianAnda."Untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan download aplikasi ini"This applicationpresentsa wide variety of design dream apartment sought after bymanypeople. 3d apartment's design we collected from varioussourcesthat will make apartments and rooms that you want to bemorebeautiful and attractive.Applications can be run offline, so that whenever and whereveryoucan see the design 3d apartment floor plan of your dreams."For more details please download this application"
Modern Batik Design 1.1
Mepong Studio
The word batik is taken from theword"ambatik", namely the word "amba" (Javanese), meaning to writeand"tik" meaning small point, droplets, or make a point. So, batikiswrite or paint dots. In general, batik is a technique with awaxresist color repeated on the fabric. Wax is used as a buffertoprevent the color does not absorb into the fabric fibers inthedesired parts.Batik is a painting on cloth material used as a basis formakingclothes. Initially, batik is only known by the palace. Batikiscomposed of various motifs and every motif is a symbol forthewearer, such motives kawung machetes and should only be worn bytheroyal family. On development, batik spread into thegeneralcommunity.Batik is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia (Java), whichstillexists. Batik is also first introduced to the world byPresidentSoeharto, who at the time was wearing a batik at theUNConference.Batik is used to wrap the body of a dancer, dance palaceBedhoyoKetawang in Java.